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Sunday, January 15, 2017


My attempt at FAKE news....but I digress:

I for one am so thankful that Meryl Streep sacrificed her lifetime achievement award to set me straight on what is really happening in this country!  I wonder if she can help me decide what I should eat for lunch.  Does anyone have her email?

This has been an interesting political season.  By the way, my choice was Ben Carson because his, “Politicians got us into this mess, what makes us think politicians can get us out of it?” philosophy really struck a chord with me.  As Carson was fading, I always had a strange curiousity about Trump and how people could continually support him after all the tweeting and outlandish statements.  I watched, LISTENED and it gave me an understanding of how people supported him.  I remember a conversation at the bar one time where a Hispanic Trump supporter was being grilled by Clinton supporters on how he can support Trump after all he has said.  He said simply, “He will get things done.”  Trump is ANTI-establishment and that is refreshing to most Americans.  He has made both Republicans and Democrats frustrated while striking a chord with the heartland.  He is an interesting dichotomy of a rich celebrity that speaks directly and relates to the everyday Joe.  Americans seem to appreciate his down to earth disposition on issues and are tiring of the aloof and pompous attitudes that pervades much of politics today.  While many politicians and Presidents TALK with eloquence about taking action, American’s believe Trump WILL act.  I understand why the establishment is nervous.  What I cannot understand is why a true acting legend would devote HER lifetime achievement award speech to slamming HIM.  To let HIM invade HER brain that much baffles me.  If it were my award, it would be all about ME!

It always seems America is in on the brink of destruction at election time…and we get what we asked for.  What did we need after “mean spirited” Richard Nixon?  Look at “smiling and friendly” Jimmy Carter.  How did we feel about the energy crisis and hesitant Carter?  Look at bold Ronald Reagan.  Have enough of the gun slinger and  “trickle down” theory?  On comes Bill Clinton.  Getting tired of Clinton’s shinanigans and lines in the sand being constantly stepped over?  Look at the George W. Bush.  The “war mongering” Bush made way for “apologizing” of the hope and change Obama.  What has the Obama legacy given us?   I give you Donald Trump.  

I am very interested and quite frankly excited to see what will happen with a successful businessman at the helm of the country instead of a career politician.  I have been pleasantly surprised and shocked with all the buzz he is creating as a pre-President.  Jobs appear to be staying here and his cabinet choices seem to be pretty solid   I surely wish he would lay off  twitter, but this is Trump.  The heartland of the country has spoken louder than the Hollywood elites during this election.  

What does a Donald Trump Presidency give us?  We will have to endure 4 years of “Hollywood” elitist speeches condemning the country from those who have no idea what it is like to have to juggle utility bills or figure out how they were going to have to pay for their healthcare.  It means opportunity for Bruce Springsteen as he will get richer and relevant again with more America bashing music.   It will mean Michael Moore will gain press coverage again.  We will have to endure 4 years of embarrassing childish Trump tweets.  At any rate, it will be an exciting 4 (or 8) years.  Definitely not the same Washington we are used to.

Through this all I think we will be fine.   I know a lot of people who didn’t think we would make it after 8 year of Obama.  I’m choosing to support this President. Trump has done a great job promoting Trump, now he is promoting the USA.  I feel good about that.  Streep, Springsteen, Moore and a host of other Hollywood elites will see a jump for their careers as they pile on the President-Elect, so they benefit also.  This will be a fun ride. 

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